1. Sample quality: did the sample appear normal and free of interfering substances (e.g. haemolysis, lipaemia, clots) before the test was run?
  2. Sample handling: was the sample collected, stored and handled according to the analyser’s instruction manual? Were the correct blood tubes used? Were the blood tubes filled correctly? Was the test run in the required time frame? Was the Haematology sample mixed well (i.e. inverted 10 times) immediately before testing?
  3. Analyser operation: was the analyser operated according to its instruction manual? Were all consumables and accessories appropriate and within their expiry date?
  4. Analyser maintenance: has the analyser been well maintained and cleaned according to its instruction manual?
  5. Quality Control (QC): have all required QC tests been run and passed?

Remember - Confirmatory tests are available Please submit samples to your local Vetnostics Pathology laboratory (fees apply).

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