
David graduated from the University of Sydney in 1990 and entered a rotating internship at the Rural Veterinary Centre at Camden. Following completion of his Diploma, he moved to Victoria, joined Maffra Veterinary Centre and enrolled in a Masters in dairy medicine and production at Melbourne University.

Graduating in 1995, he became the District Veterinary Officer at Leongatha, then moved to Northern Victoria joining a mixed practice.

After an enjoyable but demanding few years, he decided in 1998 the time was right for a move into pathology and joined the terrestrial and aquatic animal pathology program with the Tasmanian state diagnostic laboratory in Launceston. Initial pathology training completed, from 2001 to 2003 he then completed a residency in anatomic pathology at the University of Florida and then in 2004 became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists.

For 5 years he was Clinical Instructor then Assistant Professor at Florida, before returning to Sydney and joining Vetnostics in 2008. David’s interests are anatomic pathology and all aspects of histopathology.