
Dr Katherine (Kath) Briscoe graduated from the University of Sydney in 2003.

Kath worked in private small animal practice in Sydney and the UK before completing an internship and residency at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Sydney.

In 2008, Kath attained membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in feline medicine.

In 2012 she attained Fellowship of the same college. During her residency, Kath completed a research project on the pathology of feline low grade alimentary lymphoma and IBD.

Kath has a keen interest in all aspects of small animal medicine, and is also passionate about providing continuing education for veterinary practitioners. Kath has worked in both university and private referral practice, but has recently made a sea-change and is working in primary accession practice on the Mid-North Coast of NSW. Years of referral practice have allowed unique insights into ways in which a primary accession clinic might improve the health of small animal patients and provide superior services to their owners.

Dr Briscoe is also keen to ensure general practitioners are well versed in what can be achieved in their own clinics and at what stage one should consider referral.

Kath is looking forward to being able to discuss case management and interpretation of pathology profiles with general practitioners so that they can feel supported in the evaluation and treatment of their patients.