
Rebekah graduated in Veterinary Science with honours from the University of Melbourne in 2011.

She then spent three years working in general practice, and another year as an emergency and critical care veterinarian, before returning to the University of Melbourne to embark on a three-year clinical pathology residency. During the residency, Rebekah completed two master’s degrees, one of which involved a research project investigating renal disease in greyhounds. She also first-authored several peer-reviewed journal articles, participated as an animal ethics committee member and was involved in teaching undergraduate students.

In 2018, Rebekah passed the examination to become a member of the Australian and New Zealand College ofVeterinary Scientists in pathobiology and passed the American board examinations in 2019 to become a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (Clinical pathology).

Rebekah loves the challenge of integrating all aspects of clinical pathology to deliver a personalised approach to ensure the best result for both client and patient.