- PC
- LH
1ml whole blood
12 hours
Equine only
- Cytology smears
- Blood
Two smears
7 days
Referred test
Immunocytochemistry is used to determine whether lymphoma is B cell or T cell. Smears already submitted for routine cytology can be used.
- Tissue in formalin
- PC
- EDTA (negative interference)
- FL
- LH
0.75 ml whole blood (minimum 250uL serum)
48 hours
- Glucose measurement is included (submit a fluoride sample).
- Serum must be kept chilled. If testing cannot be performed within 24 hours, the separated serum needs to be frozen.
- PC
- LH
24 hours
- Glucose measurement is included.
- Serum must be kept chilled. If testing cannot be performed within 24 hours, the separated serum needs to be frozen.
- PC (frozen within 6 hours)
- LH
- 2 mL whole blood (1 ml serum minimum)
5 days
- Sample should submitted to Vetnostics Pathology WA within 6 hours of collection. If this is not possible, the sample should be centrifuged and the separated frozen serum submitted.
- Test is used for diagnosis of pituitary dwarfism and acromegaly.
- PC
- LH
0.5 mL whole blood
24 hours
- PC
- LH
4 mL whole blood (into tube treated for clot retraction)
10 - 14 days
- Referred test
- Complement fixation
- Direct smear; this is the most important sample to get for cytology
- PC/sterile pot if sample is to be cultured (EDTA is not suitable for culture)
- EDTA is better for cytology alone (see comment)
- 0.5 mL if cell count is to be done
24 - 48 hours
- If sufficient fluid, place some in an EDTA tube and the rest in either a PC tube (without activator) or a sterile urine container.
- Hairs
- Skin scrape
Very small samples are less likely to yield a positive result.
24 Hours
The sensitivity of KOH microscopy is not as high as culture and a negative result does not rule out dermatophyte infection.
- PC
- LH
- FL
- Lipaemic sample
1 mL whole blood
24 hours
- Requires dedicated sample
- LH (no gel tubes)
- Lith Hep - 200ul whole blood (for avian and reptilian)
- PC
- 1.0 mL whole blood (dedicated sample)
- 200ul whole blood (for avian and reptilian) (dedicated sample)
5 days
Referred test
- PC
- EDTA blood
2 mL whole blood
- Run on Tuesday
- Cutoff time 7pm previous working weekday
- Results available by 2pm the next day
- If the sample is going to be in transit for more than a day, it is recommended that the serum is separated off if possible and the serum rather than whole is sent (this minimises haemolysis)
- See VETPATH wesite for current information http://vetpath.com.au
- EDTA whole blood
- PC
- LH
- FL
- SC
1 mL whole blood (EDTA)
7 days
This test is not covered under Vetnostics Pathology WA's NATA accreditation.
- PC (clear serum, no particles or fibrin tags)
- LH
2 mL whole blood
10 - 14 days.
- Referred test
- It is essential to request WHICH SEROVAR you want the laboratory to test for.
- If the test is being done on a dog for export, verify what level the test is to be titred to (the requirement will differ from country to country)
- The test for Leptospira canicola (for canine export) is a MAT
- Vaccination against Leptospira will result in seropositivity.
- A four-fold rise in paired samples in a non-vaccinated dog (usually >10-14 days apart) may be indicative of leptospiral infection.
- A single titre of 1/400 or greater can only be presumptive, indicating possible recent contact with Leptospires.
- This is a referred test for export purposes and is only available to clients within Australia.
- Vetpath is DAFF (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, formerly AQIS) QAP (Quarantine Approved Premise) approved to import specific samples for certain testing. We are unable to refer imported international samples to other laboratories for export testing that we do not performed at our premise. Please refer to http://www.daff.gov.au/biosecurity/import/general-info/qap if you require more information.
- Urine
- EDTA blood
- PC
2ml EDTA blood or urine
7 days
Detects Leptospira interrogans by PCR
- PC
3 weeks
- PC (serum) is the preferred sample
- LH
- Fluoride oxalate (glucose tube)
2 mL whole blood
24 hours
The lipase assay routinely run at Vetpath is DGGR lipase. This test uses a novel substrate which is more specific for pancreatic lipase than previous lipase assays. The DGGR lipase activity has been found to have excellent agreement with the Spec cPL. This agreement correlates with a higher sensitivity and specificity of DGGR lipase for diagnosis of acute pancreatitis in dogs.
Reference: JVIM 2014:28:863-870.
The FP2 panel now includes DGGR lipase. Recent studies have shown that this assay is also a useful and cost-efficient method for the investigation of pancreatic disease in cats. Based on the literature and in house studies, the reference interval for this assay is <26 U/L, with an equivocal range of 26-35 U/L. Patients with results within the equivocal range, and no evidence of azotaemia may benefit from abdominal ultrasound if they have clinical symptoms compatible with pancreatitis.
Reference: J Vet Internal Med 2013; 27:1077-1082
- Faeces
- Blood
- 10 grams
Up to 4 weeks
- Faeces OR parasite
- Blood
3 weeks
- PC
- LH
- FL
2ml whole blood
24 hours
Includes AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, albumin, bilirubin and cholesterol
- PC
- LH
- FL
2ml whole blood
24 hours
Includes ALP, GGT, GLDH, albumin, bilirubin and total bile acids
- PC
- LH
- FL
2ml whole blood
24 hours
Includes AST, ALT, ALP, albumin, bilirubin and cholesterol
- PC
- LH
- FL
1.0 mL whole blood
24 hours
Cortisol concentration is now measured on the Atellica (previous measurement was on the Immulite 2000). The interpretative comments have also been updated. Note that direct comparison between cortisol concentrations from different assays is not possible.
Standard low dose dexamethasone suppression test protocol
- Collect a basal blood (serum) sample.
- Inject 0.01 mg/kg i/v of Dexamethasone.
- Collect two further blood (serum) samples 4 hours and 8 hours later.
- Label sample times clearly on the tubes
- Tick Cortisol x 3 (E03) on the submission form.
- Faeces
- Blood
20 gm faeces
48 hours
- Serum
- LH
- FL
- Urine
2ml whole blood
- Test is run Tuesdays and Fridays.
- Cutt off is 9am.
- Results are available by 6pm.
- This test is for dogs only.
- Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi
- Test is run on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a cut off of 9am.
- LH for MMA in plasma
- Milk
- Tissue
- Minimum of 2 mL of whole blood for plasma MMA
- 5-10 mL of milk
- 100 gm of fresh tissue, preferably liver
10 - 14 days
Vitamin B12 is used to measure cobalt status as a deficiency of cobalt results in a deficiency of vitamin B12. In ruminants vitamin B12 is measured as MMA (methylmalonic acid); measurement of plasma MMA is the preferred assay for vitamin B12 status in cattle (vitamin B12 is necessary for the normal metabolism of MMA). Vitamin B12 deficiency results in elevated MMA levels.
- PC
- LH
- FL
1 mL whole blood
24 hours
- Sticky tape preparation (very good for Malassezia)
- Air dried smears
- Swab
- KOH (mineral oil scraping)
Single smear
24 hours (Mon-Sat)
- Swab in Stuart's medium; this is ideal.
- Swab that has not been placed in medium; this is less suitable as drying occurs.
- Culture plates are not accepted and will be disposed of if submitted.
12-48 hours
Do not refrigerate
- Urine
- Blood
5 mL
48 hours
- Can be detected in urine for up to 10 days post-ingestion
- Can also be done as part of the recreational drug screen
- PC
- LH
2 mL whole blood (absolute minimum of 500uL serum)
3 - 4 weeks
- Referred test
- Diagnostic test for masticatory muscle myositis in dogs.
- False negative results may occur if the dog has been on immunosuppressive doses of corticosteroids for 7-10 days.
- False negative results may occur in end-stage disease where there is marked fibrosis.
- Fresh vomit
- Fresh stomach contents
- Liver (less suitable)
- Blood, urine, faeces.
6 - 8 weeks
- Urine (submit within 24 hours and immediately wrap in foil
- Blood
4ml urine
5 days
- Normetanephrine:creatinine ratio is used to screen dogs for a pheochromocytoma.
- At least 4 ml of urine is required and needs to be submitted to the laboratory within 24 hours.
- Keep the sample protected from light (wrapped in foil).
- The sample will be acidified and sent to a referral laboratory for testing.
- Fresh milk
- Swab
1 - 2 mL
12-48 hours
Additional samples receive a discounted fee.
- Fresh milk OR frozen milk
- Swab
1 - 2 mL
24 hours
- PC
- LH
Minimum of 4 mL whole blood
10 - 14 days
- EDTA whole blood
- Serum
- Urine
- Swab (dry or culture media)
1ml EDTA whole blood
15 working days
Multidrug Resistance MDR1 gene expresses a protein involved in the transport of biological substances through the blood-brain barrier of dogs. Recently, a mutation (nt230[del4]) in the MDR1 gene has been shown to be predisposed in some breeds that can result in adverse reactions to some commonly administered drugs such as ivermectin and ioperamide. In affected dogs, exposure of these drugs at the normal administered dose can result in serious neurological side effects such as hypersalivation, ataxia, blindness, tremor, respiratory distress and even death.
Affected breeds:
Collie (approx. 50-75% are affected by the MDR1 gene mutation), Australian Shepherd, Shetland Sheepdog, Old English Sheepdog, Border collie, English Shepherd, German Shepherd, White Shepherd, Waller, Silken Windhound, McNab and a variety of mixed breed dogs
Implicated drugs:
Anti-Parasitic Drugs - Ivermectin substances: Diapec®, Ecomectin, Equimax, Eqvalan, Ivomec, Noromectin, Paramectin, Qualimec, Sumex & Virbamec
Doramectine substances:Dectomax, Moxidectine substances: Cydectin & Equest
Loperamide substances - Immodium [anti-diarrhoeal]
Metronidazole substances - Flagyl
Chemotherapy Agents - Vinblastine, Doxorubicine, Paclitaxel, Docetaxel, Methotrexat & Vincristine Glucocorticoids (Steroids commonly used to treat auto-immune diseases): Dexamethason
Immuno-suppressives: Cyclosporine A
Heart glycosides: Digoxine & Methyldigoxine
Antiarrhythmics: Verapamil, Diltiazem & Chinidine
Analgesics - Morphine & Butorphenol
Anti-emetics: Metoclopramide, Ondansetron & Domperidon
Antibiotics - Sparfloxacin, Grepafloxacin; Erythromycin
Antihistamines - Ebastin
Tranquillisers - Acepromazine
Other drugs; Etoposide; Mitoxantrone; Ondansetron; Paclitaxel; Rifampicin.
- Note: It is recommended that dosages are reduced by 25% in MDR1 carriers (normal / mutant) and by 30 -50% in MDR1 affected dogs (mutant / mutant).
Interpretation of the results:
Results will indicate whether the dog is;
- Normal - Both copies of the gene are normal hence the dog will not display the disease symptoms, nor will it pass the mutant copy to its offspring (N / N).
- Carrier - One copy of the gene is normal and one copy is a mutant copy. These dogs may display the disease symptoms and also may pass the mutant copy to its offspring (N / mut).
- Affected - Both copies of the gene are mutant and these dogs are very likely to display the disease symptoms. Affected dogs will pass the mutant copy to its offspring (mut / mut).
- PC
- LH
- Fluoride oxalate (glucose tube)
2 mL whole blood
24 Hours
- AST may be from either skeletal muscle or liver origin
- To assess muscle damage, measure both CK and AST
- AST is also present in RBCs and activity may be higher in haemolysed samples
- PC
- LH
2 mL whole blood
3 - 4 weeks
- Diagnostic test for myasthenia gravis
- Can be used in dogs and cats
- Tissue (fresh); this is the optimal sample
- Swab
14 days
Consider Mycobacterial PCR (more sensitive than culture)
- Fresh tissue in a PCR bead tube (available from stores) 2ml tube <4mm diameter biopsy and 5ml tube for >4mm biopsy
- Formalin fixed tissue
- Paraffin-embedded tissue
- Blood
- Swab - dry or wet
- Urine
3 weeks
- BAL/Trach wash
- Swab (less preferable)
7 days
This test is performed as part of the canine and feline respiratory PCR panels.
- PC
- LH
1 mL whole blood
7 days
- PC
- LH
2 mL whole blood
24 hours
Platelets from some species, including some breeds of dogs (eg Akitas), contain high concentrations of K and the [K] in serum samples is higher than in LH plasma samples. To minimise this problem when monitoring dogs with hypoadrencorticism, the use of LH samples is recommended.
- PC
- LH
- Canine only
- Sample from species other than dogs
0.5 mL whole blood (100uL of serum minimum)
- Test performed Mondays and Thursdays.
- Results available by COB.
- The test is species-specific (canine only)
- This test considers a titre of 1:16 to be seropositive.
- Seropositivity indicates exposure to antigens and does not imply clinical disease. Note that parasitologically confirmed cases of neosporosis were shown to have titres of 1:200 or above and clinical cases may have titres in excess of 1:1200.
- Reference: Vet Parasitol (1996) 67:1-59.
- Although cats have been infected experimentally with N caninum, natural clinical infections in domestic cats have not been documented. (Greene 2007)
- Blood
7 days
Panel includes:
- Toxoplama gondii
- Cryptococcus sp.
- Angiostrongylus sp
- Neospora caninum
- Canine Distemper virus
- Blood
7 days
Panel includes:
- Toxoplasma gondii
- Bartonella spp.
- Borrelia spp.
- Cryptococcus sp.
- Coronavirus
- PC
- LH
- FL
2 mL whole blood
10 - 14 days
SNT = serum neutralisation test
- Fluid and/or fresh tissue is preferred, but a swab can be submitted.
PLUS - Air-dried smear for Gram stain
- Dry swabs
For successful anaerobic culture, it is best to have 2 mL of aspirated fluid or at least 1 cm2 of tissue.
- Total turnaround is up to 4 weeks for acid-fast organisms.
- Preliminary Gram stain: 12 hours
- Culture: 12-24 hours for most organisms
- Sensitivity: 48 hours for most organisms
- Samples should be stored in a cool, dry place and should not be refrigerated
- Do not freeze tissue for culture
- Samples stored at room temperature can be cultured for up to 3 days after collection and samples stored at 4oC can be cultured for up to 2 days after collection (anaerobes do not tolerate cold)
- For information on intrinsic antibiotic resistance of specific bacteria, see the information sheet
- PC
- Haemolysed samples
- Lipaemic samples
2 mL whole blood
- Test performed Tuesdays.
- Results available by COB.
- Samples should be separated and the serum/plasma stored in the freezer once it reaches Vetpath.
- Oestrone (estrone) sulphate is a steroid hormone detectable in the circulation in many species. It can be produced in the gonads, the adrenals and is produced by the foetal-placental unit during pregnancy.
- Pregnancy >80 days: Oestrone sulphate levels rise during pregnancy and are a good indicator of a viable pregnancy. In mares oestrone sulphate is detectable in the maternal circulation from early as 60 days post-mating until foaling. In the event of foetal death oestrone sulphate disappears rapidly from circulation.
- Cryptorchidism in horses 3 yo or older.
- Goat pregnancy >50 days post-service
- Air-dried smear(s)
OR - Swab
Single smear
24 hours Mon-Sat
May be used in conjunction with serum progesterone.
- Vomitus
- Blood
- faeces
4 gm
48 hours
- Stomach contents - frozen
- Bait
- Blood
50 mL stomach contents
6 - 8 weeks
Referred test
- Blood
- Cytology smears
- Fluid
Must have 50 000 cells
3 weeks
- LH (but cannot do fibrinogen on LH)
- PC
- Any other sample that has clotted
0.25 mL whole unclotted blood
24 hours
- PC preferred
- LH plasma can be used
1 mL whole blood
Run once a week (Tuesday)
- Mare pregnancy 45 - 120 days
- Optimum 70 days
- PC
- LH
- 0.8ml of whole blood in PC
- 0.5ml EDTA blood
24 hours
- Includes CBC, CK, AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, GLDH, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, lipase, glucose, cholesterol, electrolytes, proteins, calcium and phosphorus.
- PC
- LH
0.8ml whole blood
24 hours
- Biochemistry of PP2
- Includes: CK, AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, GLDH, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, lipase, glucose, cholesterol, electrolytes, proteins, calcium and phosphorus
- PC
- FL
- LH
Fill tube to correct level
24 hours
- Beware of insufficiently filled OR overfilled CIT tubes; tubes must be filled to the line marked on the tube.
- Beware of clots in the sample.
- PT is the most sensitive indicator of vitamin K-rodenticide toxicity
- If using the PT to monitor adequacy of duration of treatment, measure the PT 48 hours after discontinuation of vitamin K therapy
- PC
- If submission to the laboratory within 4 hours is not possible, the serum must be separated and submitted frozen.
- LH
- SC
- At least 2.0 mL whole blood
- If submission to the laboratory within 4 hours is not possible, the serum must be separated and submitted frozen.
Submit an extra sample for serum ionised calcium concentration which is measured at a local laboratory in Perth. - This test is now only available for dogs.
4 working days (dogs)
- Sample must be centrifuged and frozen within 1 - 4 hours of collection.
- If submission to the laboratory within 4 hours is not possible, the serum must be separated and submitted frozen.
Ionised calcium is measured on a separate sample in Perth. - Testing for dogs is now performed at Vetnostics in Sydney.
- Test is no longer available for cats.
- PC
- LH
2.0 ml whole blood
10 - 14 working days
- Contact the laboratory to discuss with a pathologist before submission of the sample.
- Samples must be centrifuged within the first hour.
- Sample should not be lipaemic (fasted).
- Plasma must be sent frozen.
- PC
- LH
- Filled CIT tube for PT only
PLUS - 2 mL EDTA if doing coagulation profile (including CBC)
24 hours
- Beware of insufficiently filled OR overfilled CIT tubes; tubes must be filled to the line marked on the tube.
- Beware of clots in the sample.
- PC
- LH
3 ml whole blood
3 weeks
- HI = HAI = Haemagglutination inhibition test
- If not specifically requested, the panleukopenia antibody titre will be done at VP by IFA
- Panleukopenia is also called feline infectious enteritis
- LH
- PC
1 mL whole blood (400 uL serum minimum)
Done daily Mon-Fri
- Results available same day Mon-Fri if received early in the day, otherwise may be delayed until the next day
- Check for weekend availability
- Parasite
- Faeces
- Blood
Single parasite
14 days
- Air-dried blood smear
- EDTA blood
- PC
0.5 mL if submitting blood
24 hours
If looking for Mycoplasma haemofelis (Haemobartonella felis) then capillary blood (no anticoagulant) is most likely to yield positive results in infected cats.
- PC (submit within 2 hours of collection)
- If submission to the laboratory within 2 hours is not possible, the serum must be separated and submitted frozen.
- LH
- Citrate
- At least 2.0 mL whole blood
- Submit an extra serum sample for measurement of ionised calcium concentration (specific requirements)
- If submission to the laboratory within 2 hours is not possible, the serum must be separated and submitted frozen.
4 working days
- Sample must be centrifuged and frozen within 1 - 2 hours of collection.
- If submission to the laboratory within 2 hours is not possible, the serum must be separated and submitted frozen.
- A second sample must be submitted if ionised calcium is required.
- Testing for dogs is now sent to Vetnostics and is no longer available in cats.
- PC
- LH
- Filled CIT tube for PT only
PLUS - 2 mL EDTA if doing coagulation profile
24 hours
- Beware of insufficiently filled OR overfilled CIT tubes; tubes must be filled to just the line marked on the tube.
- Beware of clots in the sample.
- PC
- LH
3ml whole blood
Up to 4 weeks
Performed by haemagglutination inhibition
- PC
- LH
1 mL whole blood
- Test performed Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Results available by COB.
Biobest now perform CPV titre testing by IFA (no longer HAI).
Canine Parvovirus (CPV) and Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) are serious viral pathogens in dogs that have been very well controlled with the use of vaccinations. Annual revaccination of dogs has been an industry norm that is being challenged due to increasing proof that protective immunity lasts for longer than one year (and often longer than 4 years) and the knowledge that vaccinations may in some cases have detrimental side effects ranging from anaphylaxis to immune-mediated disease.
Rather than merely stopping annual vaccination, dogs may have their immune status assessed to determine whether vaccination is indicated or not. This is particularly pertinent in at risk animals. Serological titre tests have been designed to measure the IgG levels and studies have shown that protection from infection can be determined with these tests.INTERPRETATION:
- Titres of less than 1:5 are considered seronegative and (re) vaccination is recommended.
- Titres of >1:5 are considered seropositive.
- Titres of >1:5 but <1:20 indicate that revaccination should be considered, especially if disease exposure risk is increased.
- Dogs with titres of >1:20 probably do not require revaccination.
- Faeces
- Faecal swab
- Blood
Faecal swab
24 hours
- False negative results may occur as the period of viral shedding in the faeces is relatively brief and virus is seldom detected 10 to 12 days after infection (this corresponds to 5 to 7 days of clinical illness).
- False negatives may also occur very early in infection; retest in 36 to 48 hours if this is suspected.
- Modified live vaccination results in transient faecal shedding and may give a weak positive result 5-15 days after vaccination.
- PC
- LH
10 - 14 days
Request test
- PC
- LH
- FL
0.75 ml whole blood
24 hours
- Collect blood sample into a plain/Red top tube within one hour of the next scheduled dose or at least 8 hours after the last dose (trough concentration).
- Collect sample at any time between doses.
- More information on monitoring of therapeutic drugs is available on this website.
- Thiopentone anaesthesia does not interfere.
- Do not use Gel/serum separator tubes as the gel may absorb some of the drug, artificially lowering the serum concentration.
- Steady-state serum and tissue phenobarbitone concentrations are achieved after 7-10 days of therapy.
- Induction of liver enzymes (ALP and to a lesser extent ALT) is common in animals receiving phenobarbitone therapy.
- PC
- LH
2ml blood
24 hours
- Includes phenobarbitone, ALT, AST, ALP, GGT and triglycerides
- Phenobarbitone can be measured on EDTA, LH or serum
- Collect sample at any time between doses
- More information on monitoring of therapeutic drugs is available in client information sheets.
- PC
- LH
- FL
2 mL whole blood
24 hours
- Haemolysis will increase the value measured
- Lipaemia will increase the value measured
- CITRATE can be used, but note that there is a dilution effect of the sodium citrate on the platelet count.
- LH
- PC
1 mL whole blood
24 hours
- Can be done as part of a CBC or separately
- Results of automated count must correlate to what is seen on the smear
- If does not correlate to the smear, a manual count may be recommended
- Clumping of platelets or clots will decrease the count
- CITRATE can be used, but note that there is a dilution effect of the sodium citrate on the platelet count.
- PC
- LH
1 mL whole blood
24 hours
- Results of manual count must correlate to what is seen on the smear
- If does not correlate with the smear, this will be commented on
- Clots will decrease platelet numbers for counting
- Joint fluid
- Smears
- Blood
- At least two smears
- For a full analysis of one joint, at least 0.5ml of joint fluid is required (store in EDTA or serum tube)
24 - 48 hours
- The polyarthritis screen includes one full synovial fluid analysis and examination of up to 6 smears from other joints.
- The additional joints will receive a subjection description of cellularity and haemodilution, as well as a differential count.
- Note that fluid in EDTA is not suitable for culture.
- Feathers with some blood soaked in the quill (at least 2 feathers)
- LH blood soaked into filter paper (200uL)
- PC
Feathers with some blood soaked in the quill (at least 2 feathers)
LH blood soaked into filter paper (200uL)
3 weeks
- Also called budgerigar fledgling virus (but occurs in all psittacine birds)
- PCR test
- PC
- LH
- FL
2 mL whole blood
24 hours
- LH decreases the problem of leakage of K from platelets during the clotting process and transit
- Haemolysis will increase the value in some species
- PC
- FL
- LH
1 mL whole blood
10 - 14 days
- Referred test
- Collect blood any time during dosing interval.
- Due to the prolonged half-life of potassium bromide, between 60 and 120 days will be required before testing the therapeutic levels unless loading dose regimens have been utilised initially.
- Mild lipaemia and/or haemolysis is acceptable.
- FL
- PC
1ml in each tube
24 hours
Includes PCV (haematocrit), TS protein, ALT, ALP, creatinine, albumin, glucose.
- PC
- Haemolysed samples
- Lipaemic samples
2 mL whole blood
- Test is run Tuesdays
- Results available same day
- Samples should be separated and the serum/plasma stored in the freezer once it reaches Vetpath.
- Oestrone (estrone) sulphate is a steroid hormone detectable in the circulation in many species. It can be produced in the gonads, the adrenals and is produced by the foetal-placental unit during pregnancy.
- Pregnancy >80 days: Oestrone sulphate levels rise during pregnancy and are a good indicator of a viable pregnancy. In mares oestrone sulphate is detectable in the maternal circulation from early as 60 days post-mating until foaling. In the event of foetal death oestrone sulphate disappears rapidly from circulation.
- Cryptorchidism in horses 3 yo or older. See information sheet.
- Goat pregnancy >50 days post-service.
- LH
- PC
1 mL whole blood
3 working days
- Relaxin is first detectable by week 4 of pregnancy, peaks at the 6-8th week then decreases.
- Sample is stable at 2-8oC for < 48 hours, then freeze.
- Haemolysis could obscure a weak positive result with the RIM methodology
- PC
- Values in gel serum tubes may increase if stored in the tube
- LH
2.5 mL whole blood
- Monday-Friday with 2:00pm cutoff (results usually available by 1 pm)
- Saturday by prior arrangement only
- Oestrus staging in bitches
- Early pregnancy in mares
- Pregnancy in camelids (collect samples 15-20 days after removal of male)
- Pregnancy in sows
- PC preferred
- LH plasma can be used
1 mL whole blood
- Test performed Tuesdays.
- Results available by COB.
- Mare pregnancy 45 - 120 days
- Optimum 70 days
- Swab (vaginal, preputial)
- 24 hours for culture
- 48 hours for sensitivity with routine organisms
- PC
- Values in gel serum tubes may increase if stored in the tube
- LH
0.5 mL whole blood
24 hours
Used for:
- Oestrus staging in bitches
- Early pregnancy in mares
- Pregnancy in camelids (collect samples 15-20 days after removal of male)
- Pregnancy in sows
- EDTA is optimal for cytology
- PC/H if sample is to be cultured
- LH
0.5 mL
24 - 48 hours
If sufficient fluid, place some in an EDTA tube and the rest in either a PC tube (without activator) or a sterile urine contain
- PC - serum protein
- LH - plasma protein
- EDTA - plasma protein
- Fluoride oxalate (glucose tube)
2 mL whole blood
24 hours
- PC
- LH
- Filled CIT tube for PT only
PLUS - 2 mL EDTA if doing coagulation screen (including CBC)
24 hours
- Beware of insufficiently filled OR overfilled CIT tubes; tubes must be filled to the line marked on the tube.
- Beware of clots in the sample.
- PT is the most sensitive indicator of vitamin K-rodenticide toxicity
- If using the PT to monitor adequacy of duration of treatment, measure the PT 48 hours after discontinuation of vitamin K therapy
- Feathers with some blood soaked in the quill (at least 2 feathers)
- LH blood soaked into filter paper (200uL)
- PC
- Feathers with some blood soaked in the quill (at least 2 feathers)
- LH blood soaked into filter paper (200uL)
3 weeks
PCR test for Circovirus
- PC
- LH
2ml whole blood
- Tests are run on Tuesday
- Cutoff time 7pm the previous working weekday.
- Results are available by 12pm Thursday.
- IFA test
- Canine only
- PC
- FL
1ml in each tube
24 hours
RP2 contains a CBC, CK, AST, GGT, GLDH, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, glucose, total protein, albumin, globulin, calcium, BOHB, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, Na, K, Cl.
- PC
- FL
1ml in each tube
24 hours
RPC2 includes a CBC, CK, AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, bilirubin, urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, globulins, glucose, ketones.
- PC
- LH
- FL
2 - 3 mL whole blood
10 days
- Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralisation test
- Samples are now sent to AAHL and not Biobest.
- This test must be used for animals that will be returning to Australia.
- Urine
- Blood
5 mL
48 hours
- Alcohol
- Benzodiazepam (Valium)
- THC/cannabis/marijuana
- Cocaine metabolites
- Amphetamines
- Opiates
- Methadone
- Barbituates (need to specify this, need >5 mL for whole screen if barbiturates needed)
- LH
- PC
0.5 mL whole blood
24 hours